Suzanne Sanders


Suzanne joined the Clopton Family Association in 2002, attended her first Clopton Family Association Reunion the same year in Long Melford, Suffolk, and was immediately hooked. She has attended all reunions since and became President of the CFA in 2016.

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Judy Timmons

Vice President

Judy has been instrumental in planning reunions, both in England and the U.S., since 2002. She and her husband Thad (who is a Clopton descendant through William and Ann (Booth) Clopton of York Co., VA) have been active members of the CFA since before 1990.

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Pat Clopton-Wheeler

Secretary / Treasurer

Pat has been the Secretary/Treasurer of the Clopton Family Association since 1992. She is an 8th Generation U.S. Clopton.

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Ross Clopton

CFA Director

Ross joined the CFA in 2002. He was President of the CFA from 2006 to 2016 and was Chairman of the 2006 Reunion.

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Tara Wilson

CFA Director

John Eichelberger

CFA Director / Facebook Editor

John manages the Clopton Family Association Facebook page and works tirelessly as a Director of our organization.

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Joyce Chiles Hines

Newsletter Editor

Joyce has been a member of the Clopton Family Association since 1998. In 2012, she accepted the challenge of Newsletter Editor and does an amazing job for us.

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Mary Fitz

Website Manager

Mary joined the CFA in 2015 and was selected for the creative team in 2018.

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